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We’ve taken the time to answer some of the more commonly asked restumping and releveling and underpinning questions. If you still have a query, please contact us.

There are several signs to look for:

  • Floors that are sloping, uneven, loose or bouncy
  • Cracks appearing in tiling or plaster work
  • Doors sticking or not closing properly
  • Visible timber stumps starting to decay

If your house was built before 1970 it is recommended that an inspection be done, even if none of these signs are showing.

Allow two weeks – most jobs are completed within 5 to 10 business days

NO, not unless the floors have to be removed.

YES, restumping is considered to be “structural work” and legally, a building permit is required from your local council. This needs to be arranged by your builder or restumper prior to the work commencing.

It should be the first step in your renovation project to ensure a strong foundation upon which everything else stands. If restumping is done last it will impact the above-floor renovations, meaning more tradies back to fix these problems

NONE! The restumping contract should guarantee cleanliness; your site should be perfectly clean before the team leaves at the conclusion of the job.

Reblocking: Some houses were built on wooden blocks; when these wear or rot out they need to be replaced with concrete blocks

Restumping: Some houses were built on wooden stumps; when these wear or rot out they need to be replaced with concrete blocks

Underpinning: Some houses were built on strip-footings that corrode over time; when they do, larger and stronger concrete pads (or ‘pins’) are placed under the strips. Sometimes only one pad is needed; other times, multiple pads…depending on the extent of the damage.

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